Exterior Painting
It’s amazing how a fresh coat of paint can bring a home back to life again and add much-needed curb appeal. Whether you have vinyl siding, Hardie board siding, asbestos tiles, brick, stucco, or cedar siding, Precision Painting through RNR Home Improvements can make your house look new.
Our exterior painting process begins with a thorough pressure wash, which we allow to fully dry out before painting. We use oil primer on wood and wood trim to ensure that the paint adheres to the surface.
We set any existing nails that are backing out, and we oil prime any rusty nails, tinted to half of the finished color. We secure any loose boards or siding using stainless steel hardware, which will not rust.
Consider whitewashing your brick home, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer months and may help lower your energy costs. All mason work is sealed with a waterproof masonry coating to ensure water cannot penetrate into the stucco or brick.
We know metal railings and posts are some of the most charming features of many homes in the Savannah area. Metal ornaments and hardware can be sanded if necessary, and sealed with all-surface enamel to help prevent deterioration.
We cut and roll all of our exterior paint, providing quality and care with every stroke. We use Sherwin Williams Emerald Exterior paint to ensure your exterior paint job lasts for years, even in the salty air of Tybee and Wilmington Islands.
Call RNR Home Improvements today to get started on your free exterior painting quote in Savannah.